FGTeeV Chase
FGTeeV Chase, also called Lightcore Chase, is the youngest of the FGTeeV family. Vincent Ryan, Samantha Ryan's parents. Three of his siblings include two who are YouTubers, both with renowned channels, include him. Skylander Boy Mike Skylander Boy Mike and Skylander Girl Alexis is his two older siblings. FGTeeV's chase made his YouTube debut on the platform in 2013 on the main channel of the family. The videos he has uploaded have made FGTeeV Chase one of YouTube's most popular and well-known youngsters. Additionally, his YouTube videos are viewed in TheSkylanderBoy AndGirl Youtube Channel and FUNnel Vision. After running into a kitchen cabinet at the age of four, he ended up in an emergency department with stitches. In the same year, the family started a new channel called Doh Much Fun. It focuses on young children through broadcasting bright and colorful video clips of toys. Chase's Corner started on the YouTube channel. The content on the channel is focused around board games and toys reviews. Chase Kitchen is where he is also baking and cooking desserts. Doh Much Fun gained more than two million fans over the years. FGTeeV Chase hosts a second show called Chase Plays Everything on the main channel on YouTube. The show is a father-son one which uses the iPad to play video games.
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